Community Events

Third Friday

Third Friday is a themed event the city of Wyandotte puts on every month. Businesses stay open late, restaurants and stores have special deals, there are horse & carriage rides, trolly rides and much more.

You will see us at the corner of Biddle & Maple every month by the clock tower. We serve the community by providing a family fun activity that connects with the theme. Most months we also have drawings for free gift cards, baskets full of items or back packs. We post the winners of all our drawings on Each Third Friday you will see a link on their home page titled "Third Friday Winners."

Come check us out the next Third Friday from 5:30-8:00pm and have some fun!!

Check out for more info. You can also check out

Check out this month's current winners at:

Service Projects

It is our desire and vision to partner with the community by serving. Several times a year we will partner with other agencies and businesses simply just to serve.

One of the main focuses each year is "Week in Wyandotte." Week in Wyandotte is a celebration of service to this community with no strings attached. It is also a week to train students how to live a life of serving others.

We bring in middle school & high school students from all over the midwest to serve.

Check out for more info.

Jesus said, "The greatest among you will be a servant." He didn't just say cheap words...He modeled it! We desire to be like Jesus! 


Street Fair

The Street Art Fair takes place annually the beginning of July each year. It is a fun time downtown Wyandotte where thousands of people come to check out the art, creative booths and eat good unhealthy food (lol).

Each year we set up a tent and provide children's activities and games. We use this venue as another opportunity to provide family events and to connect with others in the community.

This is a great week to serve!


Check out for more information.